As a person who attends two to four conferences abroad every year, I can easily say that the presentations are in international criteria in terms of content and quality. In one aspect, the presentations are based on data as the most needed feature, and in another aspect, the presentations are integrated with personal experiences. These features make me enjoy the content. I would feel the lack of this conference, if I did not participate. Many thanks to all who worked for this conference.

Prof. Dr. Acar BALTAŞ
As Garanti Bank, our employer branding journey started years ago. During this process, in order to attract new talents to our bank, we offer new activities and events on campus; and to increase our employee satisfaction, we offer services that address the values of our employees and invigorate their lives. As a result of our activities and communication efforts throughout this time, we receive information requests from many institutions. Since it has become an important subject in our country in recent years, we wanted to have a sharing environment in Turkey equally good as conferences abroad. For this reason, we are the main sponsor of the People Make The Brand conference, which is prepared by Evrim Kuran and Universum. Through the conference, institutions from different countries and industries convey their successful practices in various topics. Consequently, I think People Make The Brand is an event that should not be missed by the companies who want to strengthen their employer brand.

Executive Vice President, Garanti Bank
I would say without hesitation that People Make The Brand is one of the best conferences I have ever been to for the caliber of speakers, extraordinary content, unique, exquisitely elegant setting and impeccable state of the art organization. From the beginning to the end you feel it's a 6 star event! It is nowadays almost impossible to go to a conference and because that all sessions will be same level and that true best practices never shared before to the public but somehow People Make The Brand makes it happen. Also it's so rare to hear straight from the global heads of talent acquisition and branding and recruiting yet People Make the Brand attracts year after year incredible speakers from the top employers.

Chairwoman of the Strategic Advisory Board, Universum
People Make The Brand is a very important opportunity to understand different perspectives on employer branding which has entered the agenda of the business world in recent years, also to discover the great brand executions in this area. People Make The Brand has come to the forefront with its distinctive content among numerous events that deal with the business world. Topics, speakers and examples from the business world have been very qualified and satisfying. Focused, specialized and refined content have filled the gap in this area.

Prof. Dr. İbrahim KIRCOVA
Faculty of Economics and Administrative Social Sciences, Yıldız Technical University
People Make The Brand Conference is an important platform which brings employers and academy together. It creates a great opprtunity for the university graduates to consider their recruitment and career plans. We need to cooperate more to support the future of the youth.

Prof. Dr. Yüksel KAVAK
Dean of The Faculty of Education, TED University
We launched the Employer Branding Project in 2017 as Burgan Bank in order to increase the engagement of our employees, strengthen the organizational attractiveness and to establish effective communication both internally and externally the vision of becoming the employer of choice. Therefore, People Make The Brand for us is a well organised, very helpful event for hearing the local and global best practices directly from the leaders.

Levent ERGİN
Executive Vice President, Burgan Bank
People Make The Brand, the first and only employer branding conference that brings diversified and authentic content together. It is a conference with international criteria; global speakers and attendees, transparent research results, speakers from employers with brand value and their employer branding journeys has made the difference.

EMA Regional HR Director, Estee Lauder
People Make The Brand conference is an important platform with its effective role in setting the vision and trends by getting employers together with focus on ‘human’ and removing the boundaries. It helps us to understand the role and motives of human in today’s business world beyond expressing the cultural, generational and demographic differences.

HR Director, MediaMarkt Turkey
I’ve been attending People Make The Brand for the last several years. Every conference gives me a new insight about the employer branding journey of KPMG. I can genuinely say, the question ‘Why do people make the brand?’ is answered in every speech and case study I’ve ever listened during the conference. I am deeply influenced by Evrim Kuran’s quotation from Carl Jung and it took its place on my board at the Office: ‘Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes’.

Corporate Communications Leader, KPMG
As a leading brand in the sector, People Make The Brand, is a conference that I will continue to follow every year because of its quality attitude, expertise, very well selected speakers, visionary topics and sincerity. When I learned that the subject “organizational culture” that I had long been waiting for was determined as the main theme, I waited impatiently to attend, and it was worth it. Aside from the many different topics raised by human resources professionals in the world and our country; the concept of culture was not a matter of priority. In the light of the striking statistics and presentations on the positioning of the organizational culture and employer brand, we have clearly seen what else culture can eat in addition to the strategy, if you cannot make the right positioning.

Talent & Organizational Development Director, Pladis
We are attending People Make The Brand with great joy. Seeing that employee journey is as valuable as customer journey has led us understand how special our job is. We have seen with striking examples that corporations have achieved sustainable success if they are owned by their employees as well as by their customers.

Organizational Development Manager, DO&CO
People Make The Brand is a distinctive conference that really makes a mark on the industry with its unique vision, valuable speakers, and its contributions to trends and developments. Hand-picked selection of the theme, which is beyond the standards, raises thinking, innovation and change by questioning. Considering the inspiring discourses creates a reason to wait for the next one excitedly.

HR Manager, Ünlü&Co
People Make The Brand is like a fresh air on today’s business world where employer branding is perceived as company picnics, heart shaped cookies on desks. It states that a strong employer brand is valid on good and hard times, its stakeholders are not individuals but they are the all company.

Sales Manager, LinkedIn
People Make The Brand is the only platform where employer brand management examined thoroughly. People Make The Brand needs to be followed to hear all about international cases and be aware of target audience trends.

Corporate Communications Process Leader, Enerjisa
People Make The Brand Conference, pioneered by Evrim Kuran, opens the doors of employer branding journey to us. I have taken a variety of information about the employer branding that I can transfer to my students in my graduate courses and which may be an inspiration for my academic studies. In this respect, it is not wrong to say that this is perhaps the most important conference in our country because it creates awareness and carries out the professionality in employer branding.

Assoc. Prof. Emel ESEN
Yıldız Technical University
I have a surprising observation about the conference; those who are at the beginning of the employer branding, and those who are at the top level, get the same taste. I would like to thank Dinamo team for presenting a sophisticated and complex subjects and examples - which requires a master simplicity.
I suggest everyone to save the date for the next year, for a subject which is so critical in determining the destiny of the companies. We are going to be there next year.

Mehmet AKSU
Co-founder, Toptalent.co
Does anyone ask what university students in Turkey want and desire? Does anyone care about their aspirations & passion for their future and careers? Universum does. And they ask not only Turkish youth, but students around the world. Universum mirrors the profile of university students with different backgrounds. This is not only a guide for employers who sees these young people as their future employees, but also a very sufficient resource for us who are the managers in academic institutions. People Make The Brand, which shares recent research findings broaden the horizon of those concerned.

Dr. Ayşegül BAŞER
Marketing and Corporate Communications Director, İstanbul Şehir University
People Make The Brand Conference was excellent as it covered so much content and practical execution of how branding projects work. It has been very beneficial for me to discover the importance of employer branding to strengthen employee engagement. Furthermore, it has created an environment where I could exchange opinions and communicate with professionals in my industry.

Career Centre Director, Sabancı University
Apart from capturing the colorful world of employer branding, People Make The Brand has an educational aspect, which helps us find our way to lead the change and do more as global companies.

Employer Brand Specialist, Unilever
It was great to keep track of developments in the employer branding world on the spot. I have had the opportunity to renew and develop awareness about employer branding thanks to all the information I have gained about company strategies and practices at global and local level.
"People Make The Brand" is a very important organization which continues its way with the same enthusiasm, tempo and energy and leaving its mark in understanding and development of the concept of employer branding.

People Make The Brand, the conference that I have been attending with great excitement for the last years, distinguishes among others HR conferences, primarily because of quality content, speakers and participants.
I can say that its employer branding based, rich, authentic and mostly quantitative content feeds both lobes of my brain and transparent sharing of global and local survey results gain my heart. I can summarize the content with the words from Carl Jung ‘Who looks outside dreams, who looks inside awakens’ and Khalil Gibran "Work is love made visible’, which I write the memoir of previous years’ conferences on my blog.

As a blog writer, I almost attend all the events in the city; yet ‘People Make The Brand’ is different. Because in this organization there are master speakers and guests selected with great attention, content that is directly relevant to target audience, lots of statistical data and apart from all there is Dinamo Consulting.

Serdar BARAN
People Make The Brand continues to expand our horizons by offering a new angle every year. The conference provides a roadmap and fills us with ideas about innnovation with the master speakers. I can still hear Evrim Kuran’s opening speech which invites us to experience design by telling the Icarus myth, ‘If you want people to fly and make your company fly, you have to desing the wings and the journey very carefully’
People Make The Brand Conference is the sum of sustainable work, accuracy and experience. It inspires me and keep my curiosity alive about what I am going to learn next year. Thanks to everyone.