Paradigm Shift:
Strategy + Technology + Psychology + Humanocracy
The conference hosted the audience over the webinar infrastructure of the Harvard Business Review Turkey.
Changing perspectives on brand management
Value propositions in an uncertain world
Leadership at tough times
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Staying human in the age of data / Impact as a strategy
Balancing human intuition and data-driven insights: Digilog companies—how digital tools and analog people are integrated expertly.
Closing the skills gap / Deskilling + Reskilling + Upskilling
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Restoring the soul of business
Building trust in an ambigious world
The role of purposeful employees in building brands with a cause
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Challenging the bureaucratic status quo
Activating the organization to hack outmoded management systems and processes
Embedding the principles of humanocracy in the organization’s DNA.
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During the last decade, demographic changes, globalization and the rise of the knowledge worker have been urging organizations to consider their human assets more seriously. We were already aware that announcing vacancies was no more enough. And it was not about pay anymore. Yet, it took a pandemic to accelerate fully the new business trends and transform the way we approach jobs, careers, the work and the workplace.
People Make the Brand has been on its way to inspire professionals from all industries, researchers, academicians, entrepreneurs since 2013. Amid the physical, cultural and economic challenges confronting us at every level – from personal to global – today, more than ever, we need vigorous debate on not to be stuck in the new normal, but to create new norms to make the world a better place. Today, more than ever, we need a paradigm shift. The 8th People Make the Brand is arriving as a series to call upon this collective purpose.